
Orientation for new faculty – Virtual

May 10, 2022
14:00 - 17:00
KCAU Virtual

This was a Webinar that started at 9.00 am and the target group was all teaching staff. The aim was to Create a Pool of Faculty Trainers in Flipped Classroom.

The orientation was virtual and it started at 2.00 pm. The target group was all new KCA University teaching staff engaged between September 2021 and May 2022.

It was meant to welcome and introduce all new staff to KCA University and make them familiar with all the departments and their various roles.

  • All Deans in all schools introduced themselves and what their departments do and offer.
  • The Registrar took them through the Examinations and related processes.
  • The Director of ICT took them through how to access various digital services from the portal and Virtual Learning LMS.
  • Head of Library, Quality Assurance and Research, Innovation and Outreach departments
  • The staff was also taken through what The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence department is all about and what it does on how to enhance their professional development and delivery to promote students’ success.

The meeting had 93 registrants but only 56 participants attended.

The facilitator was Prof. Simon Ngigi – Director, CTLE.

Course Design and Implementation of flipped classroom Model